Review 09: MG 1/100 Exia [Ignition Mode] (TTH Brand)

(My apologies if any of you who are currently viewing this post, are getting some errors. I had to fix some typos)

Yeah I know - it's another BL (bootleg) :v
This kit isn't mine but I want to review this it. At least they will get some information/issues about it.
It's an old kit from TTH with the number "024". I'm not much of a fan of the 00 Gundam series or maybe I just hadn't watched it yet. Maybe I will take some time watching the series.
Reminder that I am NOT a professional builder. I don’t even put that thought in my head each time I finish a project. Feel free to send some tips if you know any.
I would like to apologize that there will be visible nub marks on the featured kit. If there are any errors (spelling, grammar), please do mention them on the comments section. If there are also any errors on the terminologies used, please do correct me.

Please be advised that some of the pieces on each “exploded view” might be missing. I sometimes forget that they are still on the runners. But usually, I don’t notice them quickly in the construction manual.

Also, I would like to apologize that some of the images were kind of destroyed because of the camera's technical problems.
Please..... the camera isn't mine either and I have no other options to take a picture of them. :/


I haven't checked the difference of this kit to the other Exia. I hope I get to build the other one when I get the chance.
The box is wide and a bit flat, unlike its first kit where the box is similar to Qan[t]. Since this is a TTH brand, I already expected the incoming issues. But during the time I was building it, those issues were way far from my expectation.

I thought there were a lot of runners that they had to make this kind of box design and I only counted 15 runners inside of it. Most of them are not that space consuming. TTH didn't even bothered using the extra space and crammed 3-4 runners in 1 plastic bag which is a bad move. This can lead to stress marks, scratches, and even breakage of certain parts.So yes, there were scratches on some of the parts when I removed them out of the plastic bags. You will also get 3 LEDs, 1 sheet of foil sticker, and a sheet of dry transfer decals.
The next images will be the runners and the other contents. Please do remember that some of these images are partially ruined. There were some error in the camera's memory card. Some of the images are also removed by accident. The images looked just fine when I checked them in the camera, so I didn't bother taking another shot until I transferred the files.


Instead of blue, you get this pink soft plastic. Seriously I don't like it. Not because it's pink but it doesn't match the color of Exia at all. It would have been less disappointing if they used green. :v
Anyways, maybe if you tried painting the kit in Trans-Am color, the pink parts would match XD

Then I got a reply from a fellow builder and he said that the reason why I got pink is because it was an old batch. It's not my kit so I don't need to worry much about the issue.

GN Drive:

You start first with the GN Drive and place it this clear rack where you can display it.

This kit gives you 3 LED.

Unfortunately, it's not as generous as Daban or Dragon Momoko so you will need to separately
purchase batteries to light both the rear and front sides of the GN Drive. I only have a pair of button cells so I only have the front to light up.

Body Unit:

Credits goes to Bandai for giving nice parts separation to Exia's body. The bad news was from TTH when they molded it without that glossy finish same from Daban. You can see the texture that it looks rough.

Yes, the texture isn't satisfactory. Another thing what I don't like in Bandai's design for Exia is that little hole where the
light should come out. It could have been nice if there was a bigger opening in the inner frame so that the light from the LED would pass through nicely on that clear green part.
There are lots of tight parts so get ready for some injuries. But if you sand them first, it would fit nicely.

Head Unit:

Good parts separation for the head, credits again to Bandai. TTH's plastic quality is really bad that you can't even see the stickers through those green parts. And because the molding is already bad from the start, the head has lots of loose parts. I had no choice but to use some super glue so that the parts B15/B16 (ear-like) wont pop-off so easily. Besides, the plan was to straight build the kit. I will not use the Repair version too.

The cut on the stickers were really off But I had to use them as per requested by the owner.

Arm Unit / Shoulder Armor Unit:

Very simple inner frame design but with good parts separation; another round of applause for Bandai. But there are lots of tight parts here in Hongli's side. I would like to mention that the quality of the PC parts are not that good either - lots of flashes here and there.

I had to use super glue on those separated blue parts on the shoulder armor unit (Parts D16-19). They are quite loose and tends to pop off.

Arm can bend this much (as seen on image) and cannot go beyond the 90-degree because of the arm's design.

Waist Unit:

The waist unit doesn't have any long front/back skirts so moving the legs will be easy. The only problem is that the front skirt's outer armor (Parts B19 and B20) pops off during posing even though it has a feature where a small part pushes it out (H6 and H11). It's supposed to widen the space for the hips when you try kneeling it. If you will not paint the kit, then you might as well apply some super glue on this portion.

Leg Unit:

Few tight parts mostly on the large male pegs here. Some few loose parts on the outer armor. But it has very nice parts separation and all of that goes to Bandai. There are no issues though in the green clear parts on the leg's sides, but I still don't like the "transparency". It would be really nice if you can see the stickers inside.

Articulation seems good for me and can bend that much.

The kit is really light and sometimes tends to fall down due to the weight of the GN Drive.


GN Sword:

As expected from TTH, the chrome-coated parts leads to very visible nub marks. Well, it can't be helped since this was also Bandai's idea. :v

I wonder when will Dragon Momoko or Daban enter the 00 Gundam Series AGAIN, and recreate Exia. If Dragon Momoko would do this, I'm sure they will mold a new inner frame for Dynames, Virtue, and so forth. That would be nice knowing most of these kits are in the NG line and NOT in the MG line.

GN Long Sword / GN Short Sword:

The tip or the white blade parts doesn't fit perfectly well so you might need to apply some glue on this section.

GN Shield:

Very straight forward and simple. No issues here though aside from the flashes on those vents.

Completed Model:

I don't know what to call the part that connects to the action base to Exia's crotch, but it is a bit loose so posing might be a nuisance. It's the H4 part if you look at the manual.

What's worse is that the parts that connects the weapon/shield to his arm also pops off. I'm not sure if the reason is the weight of the weapon/shield, or because the molding is just really bad.
If there aren't any issues for Bandai's side then it is the molding made by TTH. -_-

Sorry for the "fugleh" posing. As I mentioned, that small piece (H4) that connects Exia to the action base is a bit loose and he tends to falls off every time I move his legs/arms.

So here's my personal rating for the kit..

Plastic Quality: 6/10
It was really bad. Daban may be a BL brand, but they were better compare to TTH's molding and plastic texture. I also saw a lot of flashes even on the Polycaps.

Snap Fitting: 5/10
You will experience or encounter a lot of tight parts and I got the trouble of sanding these male pegs just to connect them without using too much force. There were also loose parts and I have no other choice but to use super glue them . Even with the help of bluetac, I'm sure they will still pop off eventually.
P.S. I didn't use any super glue when I attached the weapons to his arms.

Articulation: 7/10
Not that bad but not that good either. It's the Exia! And a MS with at least 80-90% focus on melee or close-quarters combat should have a good range of articulation. Well that was the info I remember I recall from gundam wikia. So articulation should have been better, or maybe it was already was and I just can't see the good side here in Exia's plain look.

Gimmicks: 6/10
The LED lights are nice but it could've been nicer if there were free batteries/button cells. You get one extra LED though.
And that's the only signature gimmick to Exia aside from the movable cockpit hatch. I think I'm just being strict here and not looking at the GN Sword's folding feature. Well I thought it was a common feat so I didn't put that into the plus factor.

Extras: 5/10
I will give a low rating for the extras. These includes the parts to make the Exia Repair. You will need to choose only one because there aren't any extra PC parts for the head. You will also need to remove the green parts and pick only 1 design for the stickers.
I don't like how it is coated with chrome (is it chrome? Please correct me >_< ), because the nub marks were very visible.

Overall Rating: 6/10
I will NOT recommend this kit even for beginners/starters. If you want Exia, go for Bandai. I will seriously save up for the Bandai version since it's not that expensive IMO, and you can try to avoid all those issues (IF Bandai doesn't have the issue firsthand when it was first released).
But if you don't mind with the issues and have confidence with refurbishing the model, then that's good. I just don't like to see other new builders having TOO MUCH difficulties when building. :/
I don't think this kit will be a good replacement for broken parts. As I mentioned above, the molding is bad.
So that's all for my short review. If there are any wrong information given, just correct me by placing comments below. My next post will be the Blitz Gundam (or Fighter) from Daban Model. :)

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