Maximum size : 5.5 cm

Mamou Killifish - Scriptaphyosemion guignardi mamou Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Mamou Killifish (Scriptaphyosemion guignardi Mamou) is a fascinating and relatively unknown species that can make a stunning addition to a nano or planted aquarium. These Killifish are a fascinating and visually striking species of killifish known for their remarkable colours and distinctive characteristics. While they are not recommended for novice aquarists due to their specific care requirements, their adaptability to a wide range of water conditions makes them an excellent option for experienced fish keepers. 

To successfully maintain Mamou Killifish in captivity, aquarists typically provide them with a well-planted aquarium that replicates their natural environment. Water quality and parameters should be closely monitored to ensure optimal conditions for their well-being. Given their relatively small size and peaceful disposition, they are best suited for community tanks containing compatible, non-aggressive species.

These Killifish can be shy and skittish, so selecting their tankmates carefully is crucial to avoid them being out-competed for food. However, they thrive in species-only tanks or alongside similarly sized species, and you can provide them with ample space and hiding spots to maintain a group together. It's worth noting that Mamou Killifish can exhibit aggression towards slow-moving small fish and even each other, so providing sufficient space and hiding places will be crucial to maintaining a harmonious community. However, with proper care and attention, these remarkable fish can add a splash of vibrant colour and lively activity to your aquarium.

Mamou Killifish Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Mamou Killifish is a straightforward process. Males are adorned with a magnificent bronze upper body and striking bluish-green sides featuring dots arranged in chevrons on the anterior pelvic membranes. In addition, their fins boast a greenish-blue hue adorned with red dots, except for the dorsal and caudal fin, which flaunts a red sub-marginal stripe and a light blue marginal stripe on the edge. Similarly, the anal fin also boasts a red line along its edge, adding to its mesmerizing appearance. On the other hand, females exhibit an olive-brown colour punctuated with a few red dots. In addition, they feature black specks that define a thin dark line running along the middle of their bodies. Moreover, their fins are a uniform yellow colour, distinct from the intricate colour patterns observed in males.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameScriptaphyosemion guignardi mamou
Year Described1981
Other NamesNone
OriginsMali , Senegal , Guinea
Max Size5.5 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle - Top
Best kept asTrios
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 3 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 5.0 - 7.0
GH 5 - 12
Ideal Temperature
71 - 77
21 - 25

Natural Habitat

Found only in the Mamou Region of the Republic of Guinea, Mali, and Senegal in Africa, the Mamou Killifish is a fascinating species that thrives in various aquatic environments. These Killifish can be found in slow-moving lowland streams, brooks, temporary water-filled holes, pools, swamps, marshes, and lowland floodplains in humid rainforest areas. These locations provide moderate lighting and some dense vegetation, creating a perfect habitat for the Mamou Killifish to thrive.


Breeding Mamou Killifish is a relatively straightforward process, and with a little bit of patience and care, you can quickly yield a healthy brood. To maximize your success rate, it is recommended that you breed them in trios; however, this may result in lower yields as some fish may consume the eggs. In a killifish breeding setup, filtration is not typically used; instead, a small, air-driven sponge filter is preferred to prevent stagnation. The water must be slightly acidic, and a slightly elevated temperature is ideal. Keeping the tank either dimly lit or unlit is also essential, and peat filtration can provide added benefits.

To prepare for breeding, it is best to condition the fish with a varied diet of live and frozen foods and keep the males and females separate in separate conditioning tanks. Then, choose the healthiest male and the fattest female before placing them in the spawning tank to ensure successful breeding. This method also allows the female to recover between spawnings. Mamou Killifish will deposit their eggs in clumps of vegetation or the substrate. You can use clumps of fine-leaved plants, spawning mops, java moss, or a layer of peat moss on the bottom of the tank as spawning mediums. A bare-bottomed tank with spawning mediums can also simplify maintenance and egg collection. 

Once the water conditions are right and the fish are well-conditioned, spawning should occur without any issues. The fish will deposit ten to twenty eggs daily for approximately two weeks. If you would like to increase the yield of the fry, gently remove the eggs as soon as you notice them. Allow breeding pairs to spawn for about a week before returning them to the conditioning tank, as the spawning process is challenging for the fish, especially the female. If left too long, they can become weak and tired. Incubating the eggs can be done by placing them on a damp layer of peat moss in a small container or leaving them in the water. It is advisable to add a few drops of methylene blue to keep the eggs in good condition.

Keep the container in darkness as the eggs are susceptible to light, and check them daily for fungus eggs, which should be removed with a pipette. The eggs will hatch in about 12 days, depending on the temperature. Initially, the fry is tiny and requires infusoria for feeding. Therefore, seeding the rearing tank a few days before hatching with green water or liquifry is recommended when using the peat moss incubation. After about two days, the fry can be fed on microworm or brine shrimp nauplii and introduced to larger live and frozen varieties after two weeks.

Care must be taken regarding water quality in the rearing tank as the fry is susceptible to velvet disease. Small water changes every 2 to 3 days will provide the best conditions and growth. Labelling each container with the date, hatching date, species, and several eggs when spawning various offspring can prevent any disasters. Hatching can usually be induced by placing the eggs in the raising aquarium, where the wetting of the eggs stimulates hatching. If unsuccessful, blowing gently into the water through a piece of airline or straw can trigger hatching.

Diet & Feeding

To maintain the health and vibrant colours of your Mamou Killifish, it is recommended that you provide a balanced diet consisting of high-quality dried flake and pellet foods, as well as occasional offerings of small live or frozen foods such as daphnia, Cyclops, mosquito larvae, bloodworm, and artemia. In addition, feeding your fish with live or frozen fares can help stimulate spawning and enhance their overall health.

You should note that Mamou Killifish can be timid at feeding times, and it's crucial to make sure that their tankmates are not too aggressive or fast-moving so they don't get out-competed for food. In addition, it's essential to ensure that all the fish receive their fair share of the food. Adding algae wafers to their diet can also provide a good source of vegetable matter for the fish.

It's important to feed them small, frequent meals throughout the day rather than one large meal to prevent overfeeding and maintain good water quality in the aquarium. By providing a varied and balanced diet, you can promote the overall health and well-being of your Mamou Killifish, allowing them to thrive in your aquarium.

Other Killifish

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