Maximum size : 4.5 cm

Blue Striped Rivulus Killifish - Rivulus Xiphidius Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Blue Striped Rivulus Killifish (Rivulus Xiphidius) is a fascinating, colourful, and peaceful species of Killifish that is sure to stand out in any aquarium. These fish are best kept in a species-only aquarium with ample space for males to set up territories, as they do not tolerate each other well. For optimal conditions, it is recommended to maintain these Killifish in pairs or small groups, with a ratio of one male to three or four females on average.

Optimal tank setup for Blue Striped Rivulus killifish entails meticulous attention to key environmental factors. Start by selecting an appropriately sized aquarium, with a preference for a minimum of 20 gallons to accommodate their active nature. Employ a substrate of fine-grain sand to mimic their natural habitats and enable substrate-sifting behaviour.

Employ a reliable heater and thermometer to ensure temperature stability. Employ a high-quality filtration system to maintain water quality, as killifish are sensitive to pollutants and fluctuations. Imitating dimly lit conditions using a combination of floating plants not only attenuates lighting but also offers a refuge for killifish. 

To further emulate their natural surroundings, integrate dried leaves such as Indian Almond or oak leaves, which release beneficial compounds and encourage natural behaviours. In terms of decor, incorporate ample hiding spots through the utilization of driftwood, rock formations, and live plants. Such elements offer security and enrichment for killifish, promoting their overall well-being. Additionally, due to their impressive jumping abilities, it is crucial to have a tight-fitting lid to prevent any escapes. 

With an elongated body and a rounded caudal fin, the Blue Striped Rivulus is distinguished by a thick, black-centred stripe bordered with a shimmering blue line that runs throughout its entire body. This striking pattern starts just behind the eye and extends to the edge of the caudal fin, which is a vibrant shade of orange-red. The same pattern is present on the pectoral and anal fins, creating a cohesive and visually appealing look. Female blue-striped Rivulus are equally fascinating, with a heavily spotted light blue body and a prominent dark line running down their length. Overall, this species is a unique and attractive addition to any aquarium that is sure to captivate the eyes of all who behold it.

Blue Striped Rivulus Killifish Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Male and female Blue Striped Rivulus Killifish can be easily distinguished from each other. Males are significantly larger and more strikingly coloured, while females are smaller and less colourful, typically exhibiting spotting rather than a solid colour.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameRivulus Xiphidius
Year Described1979
Other NamesBlack-Tailed Rivulus
OriginsGuyana , Suriname , Brazil
Max Size4.5 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle - Top
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asPairs
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 5.5 - 7.0
GH 2 - 6
Ideal Temperature
73 - 77
22 - 25

Natural Habitat

The Blue Striped Rivulus Killifish is a charming fish native to the beautiful South American countries of Brazil and Surinam in French Guyana. These gorgeous creatures are commonly found in small, tranquil water bodies, such as creeks, streams, and rivers that flow slowly and are shaded by the lush foliage that surrounds them. The water in these water bodies is typically soft and acidic due to the presence of decaying matter on the substrate, giving it a distinct brownish tinge that is characteristic of these habitats.


Breeding Blue Striped Rivulus Killifish is a relatively straightforward process, as these fish usually reach sexual maturity at 10 to 12 months of age. It is advisable to breed them in trios, but this may result in a lower number of eggs as the non-spawning fish may consume some of the eggs. Filtration is not a necessity for breeding these fish, but a small air-powered sponge filter can aid in decreasing stagnation.

These Killifish require slightly acidic water and slightly higher temperatures. It would be best to keep the tank dimly lit, and peat filtration is recommended. It is recommended to condition both males and females separately on a varied diet of live and frozen foods before selecting the most robust male and the plumpest female and placing them in the spawning tank. Spawning can be facilitated by placing java moss, spawning mops, or peat moss at the bottom of the tank.

These fish can lay from six to twenty eggs daily for up to two weeks, and it is essential to remove the eggs promptly to increase fry yield. Breeding pairs should be allowed to spawn for around a week before returning them to the conditioning tank, as the spawning process can weaken the fish if left for too long. Once removed, the eggs can be incubated in water or on a damp layer of peat moss. Regular removal of bad eggs is recommended to prevent fungus.

Eggs can be transferred to a small aquarium containing water from the spawning tank and a few drops of methylene blue. The eggs will hatch in 12 to 16 days, depending on the temperature. For hatching on peat moss, the container should be placed in a warm, dark place for about 18 days, after which the small fry will begin to emerge. It is best to label each container with the quantity, date, hatching date, and species to limit any disasters.

 After hatching, the fry can be fed infusoria and later moved to microworm and newly hatched brine shrimp. Live and frozen varieties can be introduced two weeks later. As the fry grows, the water level should be increased gradually, and water changes every 2 to 3 days are recommended to prevent Velvet Disease and keep them healthy.

Diet & Feeding

The feeding habits of the Blue Striped Rivulus Killifish can present a challenge for some aquarists. These fish typically have a preference for live and frozen foods such as insect larvae, crustaceans, daphnia and live worms. However, some keepers have been successful in acclimating their fish to accept dried products such as flakes and tubifex. It is essential to exercise caution when feeding these fish as live and frozen food can be particularly rich. Overfeeding can lead to various health issues and potential water quality concerns.

Other Killifish

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