Learn How to do Sun Salutations! #addyssunsalute

Learn How to do Sun Salutations! #addyssunsalute

A Sun Salutation is the perfect sequence to learn when you start your home yoga practice. This sequence has been around forever, so there are so many variations and styles to do these poses. Contrary to what some places will have you believe, there is no “perfect way” to complete one. You just breathe and flow with what feels right.

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Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar as it is translated from Sanskrit can be thought of like a salute to the sun. When you think about why you salute something or someone, usually it is to show reverence, honor or respect. That is basically what we’re doing to the Sun! We are energizing our bodies to show gratitude. 

The sequence is cyclical. Usually, you start off standing in upward salute when you begin the sequence and then you find your way to downward dog (or child’s pose) then you stand back up again. There are a variety of poses in between, but pretty much we stand then we go to the floor and then we stand back up again! Easy enough? Sort of… 


Because of the dynamic changes in elevation (up-down-up) this sequence is really great for cardiovascular health. If you aren’t into running, try adding a few Sun Salutations to squeeze some cardio into your regimen. In a study done by NIH, it was found that “sun salutations can be an ideal exercise to keep oneself in the optimum level of fitness.” In the study, they monitored men and women conducting 24 sun salutations 6 days a week for 24 weeks. In the end, they found that the subjects were stronger and significantly decreased their body fat percentage. 

If I haven’t convinced you to give it a try, allow me to demonstrate how simple it is to learn. 

This is a variation that I teach to my clients when they are first starting out. Here I am incorporating kneeling plank and knees, chest, chin pose instead of the more popular (and easily misaligned) flow of chaturanga. You may have seen this done in traditional Vinyasa flow classes. By supporting the flow with the knees, I am focusing my effort on building arms strength and protecting my lower back. (No one has time for an achy back) 

You know you wanna try it! Roll out your favorite yoga mat and get flowing!

Challenge #addyssunsalute

 To get started, I recommend trying to do 3-5 repetitions at the start of your day to get your blood flowing and to improve focus and productivity. Do this daily for 1 week and see how you feel. It may be great to jot down how you feel in a journal.  If I were a betting woman, I’d say you’re going to feel refreshed and rejuvenated!

If you want some extra tips and focused instruction, set up a virtual one-on-one session with me. In a 45-min Skype call, I’ll be able to guide you through the flow and make sure you feel comfortable exploring this magical practice.


If you like hip-hop as much as me, here is the playlist I use to get the rhythm right.

Have funnnnnnnn! 

5-Min Gratitude Meditation (audio+script)

5-Min Gratitude Meditation (audio+script)

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