Exploring The Benefits of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) Yoga Poses

Upward Facing Dog Yoga Pose Ubuntu Bali

Let’s keep it real. Even the most devout yogi has those days when their mind convinces them to skip yoga practice. We’ve all been there. It’s part of the process.

So how do we overcome those blocks? What can a yogi do to get back into their groove? Surya Namaskar will get your flow on and with benefits.

Mind & Body Balance

Traditionally, Surya Namaskar or sun salutation was the beautiful ritual of offering gratitude to the radiant qualities of the sun. The sun teaches us that each time we go down we have the opportunity to rise up again.

For yogis, who have been practising for some time, you know that you develop a keen observation with your bodies. There are days when you’re full of vigour and then others when you merely can’t be bothered.

Surya namaskar is the perfect yoga sequence to get into your body and bring the mind into alignment. With each movement, you can offer gratitude to waking another day and to your body for sticking with you for this long.

Energises The Body

Who needs morning coffee when you can hop on the mat and do several rounds of surya namaskar? On those days when you roll out of bed with a sluggish body and mental resistance, this will get circulation going and before you know it you’re in a groove.

A set of 12 asanas, the practice of Surya Namaskar will revitalise your body and awaken your mind. As the prana starts moving in the body, negative energetic blocks are released.

Consistent practice of sun salutation improves your lungs, digestive system, purifies the blood and gets the heart-rate up and running.

Improves Strength & Flexibility

Through the movements of Surya Namaskar, your joints and muscles go through ranges that can open up stiffness. The hamstrings, chest and shoulders will enjoy a natural lubrication as tension is released and full range of movement is eventually restored.

Your spine is going to love continues practice of Surya Namaskar as it lengthens and increases flexibility, thus improving your well-being.

Beginning Surya Namaskar Practice

Reading about the benefits of sun salutation is one thing. Experiencing the benefits by heading to your mat and getting two rounds of this beautiful 12 set sequence of asanas into your day is the only way to determine how it benefits your well-being.

The breath is a perfect bridge between the body and mind. When focusing our drishti on the breath, we are able to bring a harmonious moving meditation into our morning practice.

You’ll find that after two rounds, your feel more centered and empowered to tackle the rest of your practice with ease.


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