Norman Hunter obituary

Uncompromising footballer, known as ‘Bites Yer Legs’, who both graced and enforced Don Revie’s imperious Leeds United team
Norman Hunter was one of the 1970s “hardmen”
Norman Hunter was one of the 1970s “hardmen”

Norman Hunter seemed to embody the approach of Don Revie’s conquering Leeds United team who were pilloried in the press for their “win at all costs” approach and occasional thuggery. “Bites Yer Legs” Hunter was undoubtedly uncompromising, and alongside Jack Charlton established one of the tightest defensive partnerships in English football history.

Every team in the Seventies had a “hardman” in their ranks, such as Ron “Chopper” Harris at Chelsea or Peter “Ice Eyes” Storey at Arsenal. What set Hunter apart from most of them was that he was also skilful, clever, balanced and quick. He was tough rather than dirty, and while his biggest indiscretions were spectacular, they were also rare. It is telling that while the media often caricatured Hunter as a bruiser,