Big Island Snorkling Tours Blog

Manta Ray Tour

Manta Rays underwater

Manta Ray Snorkel Tour

Join Sea Paradise’s excellent crew on the Hoku Nui, to sail out to Manta Ray Village for the best manta ray snorkel in Hawaii.

The Hawaiian word for manta ray is ‘hahalua’ which translates to two breaths. While it isn’t really a common thing for mantas to leap out of the water, or breech, when they do they leave their water world and enter into a different world. This transcendence might be considered mystical as it isn’t really known why they do it.

Because manta rays have two ‘horns’ protruding from the front of their heads, they are often referred to as devil fish. Despite their nickname, these majestic creatures are beautiful, gentle and harmless. It is a joy to float above them as they dine on the little plankton under the lights of the rafts.

Our crew will prepare you for a great experience with the spirit of aloha and will ensure you and the mantas will thoroughly enjoy your time together.

These gigantic creatures can be up to 23 feet in width by 18 feet. The largest have can have a wingspan of 29 feet.  Mantas are quite friendly and can come up very close to humans as they eat which makes for a breathtaking experience. Their graceful ballet is something you’ll never forget but please avoid touching them as that could cause them injury. This manta ray tour is one for the bucket list!



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