Ryoko Hirosue’s Husband Comments on Cheating Scandal

Married Japanese actress Ryoko Hirosue has stopped all work since being caught in a cheating scandal with Michelin star chef Shusaku Toba. Her vivid love letters to him were exposed by the press, incurring further public outcries.

Her husband Candle JUNE held a press conference where he bowed apologizing to the public. He stated that he was very sorry for the disturbance his wife has caused. With tears in his eyes, Candle JUNE said he considered Ryoko Hirosue to be the best wife and the best mother to their children–she has not given up on taking care of them. He praised her for being the hardest working female in the family.

In a shocking turn of events, Candle JUNE was also exposed to have cheated multiple times while married. It is said the press conference was an attempt to divert attention away from the damaging rumors.

Source: [1]

This article is written by Kiki for JayneStars.com.

Actress Ryoko Hirosue Confesses to Extramarital Affair

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  1. I find it weird that the Japanese made such an uproar about this. From many accounts I’ve seen, it seems a lot of Japanese marriages implicitly agree to extramarital affairs. The work/life balance is non-existent in Japan, and once women have children, there’s even less balance. So in order to promote harmony in the household, a lot of wives or husbands consent to extramarital affairs. I thought that was the norm in more metro areas…

      1. Did you read the entire story? Her husband is a scumbag. He cheated on her and exposed her cheating to try to get more alimony out of it.

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