Queen B (movie)

Amongst the rows of poster thumbnails on Netflix lies a little cult classic called Barbarella, a titan amongst B-Movies and an incredible specimen of 60's sci-fi insanity with a bizarre dose of social consciousness.  

The film is set in an unknown future where violence has long been extinct and people get intimate via "exaltation transference pills." Enter Jane Fonda as Barbarella, an intrepid and literal space cadet whose quips are only outnumbered by her wardrobe changes. Barbarella's adventure begins when she is charged by the President of Earth, via 60's Skype, to find the missing inventor Durand Durand, whose newest creation, the "positronic ray," threatens the universe's now-weaponless state. 

With that, Barbarella is off! She flies her shag-carpeted space ship through the galaxy and immediately crashes (with spectacular lava-lamp FX) on the 16th planet of Tau Ceti, where she meets vicious baby dolls with metal teeth, some sort of land-gliding sting ray, a winged man named "Pygar," and discovers the magic of intimacy sans "exaltation transference pills," all while saving the universe from various nefarious characters.

Aside from being a hilarious sci-fi, Barbarella provides an interesting look into the psychology of the 60's, as director Roger Vadim's objective to "escape totally from the morals of the 20th century and depict a new, futuristic morality" ends up as more of a distillation of his time's social reality than a prediction of the future.


This Review by Lydia Dullinger