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I'm in Love with the Villainess Manga #4

私の推しは悪役令嬢。 4 [Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijou. 4]

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First published June 17, 2022

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Displaying 1 - 24 of 24 reviews
Profile Image for L. Luck.
615 reviews11 followers
February 7, 2023
Did I miss the hints to the inc*st???! It felt like it came out of nowhere, and, then, saying inc*st is in the same realm as queer love really bothered me. The rest was good, but?? I’m lost on that. I’m sure they are trying to say “love is love,” but that isn’t meant to include a brother and sister getting together 😭 wtf… I’m glad they are out of sight now, but if there’s an epilogue and they have a kid? 😰 I’ll drop the rating by 1-2 stars for that alone, and it’s leaving my shelf regardless of the main ending tbh.
Profile Image for Mark.
2,158 reviews186 followers
January 14, 2023
The peasants are revolting! Hackneyed jokes aside, the commoners are bumping up against the nobles with increasing frequency and fervour. The situation at school becomes fraught, but that’s nothing on navigating the perils of a love beyond the pale.

This is one of those adaptations that’s fun if you’re already steeped in the source material. The art is beyond reproach; there’s a reason that Aonoshimo got pulled in to do the art for the new edition of the first book: they nail these characters and the vibe.

What the manga version definitely lacks is the internal monologue of Rae herself and that doesn’t do her character any failures, making her more obnoxious than the novel version by a mile. She doesn’t feel nearly as genuine or affectionate in the moment-to-moment.

And that’s also partly due to my own evolving tastes. When I read the light novels I absolutely loved what they were putting out, even with a hard lean on the tropes of isekai novels. Now with many reviews (and a ton of putting up with chocolate and mayonnaise recipes) at my back, I still see the good, but also am acutely aware of the bad.

Still, this is a belter of a story arc and one of the best in the original series. It doesn’t necessarily drive home the revelation of our mysterious culprit with any impact, but it does show that this realm is about to get hit with the broadsides of democratic reform.

What this also does is continue to move the needle on Claire from nasty piece of work to somebody who has a strong sense of justice underneath her villainous exterior. We aren’t privy to her thoughts much, but the little we get is good. Especially that one omake where her frosty exterior, unbeknownst to Rae, hides a girl whose feelings are changing.

It’s strong, but not excellent. We also get to deal with the elephant in the room, which is the whole incest thing. Despite Rae’s notions that there’s more than one type of forbidden love, moving the needle right into Game of Thrones’ turf seems a bit farther afield than homosexuality, but that’s me (and most people, I’d wager).

Still, in a way, it’s refreshing to see Inori steer the cart into that notion head-on rather than the irritating dip of the toe into pseudo-incest that has driven me nuts ever since I dove back into manga. In a way, I like this more as, despite my distaste for it, it at least fits the story’s ‘love is love’ message.

I could definitely have done without the whole thing, make no mistake, but this is at least honest about it all. And I’d say that the manga, in this instance, handles the whole business with a smidgen more delicacy.

So, it’s a smidgen more plot-focused and a touch less gay than usual, but we get some great art and some decent character work to offset the softer focus on yuri. And there’s nothing like a brewing revolution with foreign interference to bring people together.

This is definitely more of a companion piece to the original for me. Same as I’m hoping the anime adaptation will wind up. With Rae constantly masterminding and pulling strings behind the scenes, it’s noticeably less generous to her character when we don’t know her thinking with any frequency.

4 stars - I’d say 3.5 if this is how you’re first approaching this property. I don’t dislike this at all, but, unlike some manga adaptations, it doesn’t necessarily surpass its original inception.
403 reviews14 followers
October 27, 2023
Wow, so many unexpected things happened! At least for me.
1) Yuu being the only one with common sense in the beginning. I didn't like him that much at first, but since this volume, he kinda grew on me. Which, yea, is all thanks to his logical thinking.
2) Thane assisting Rae and Claire in multiple cases. It's probably the most screen-time he's ever gotten, and also talked the most.
I still think he's hiding something and knows more than he lets people know, but, just like Yuu, he grew on me.
Also, his poor hair!
3) That one love tory and plot-twist-antagonist was also very unexpected, as it wasn't hinted at all.
–> I'm not really upset about that confession as some other reviewers, tbh. As said, it wasn't hinted at all, they're also side characters, and apart from a confession, there was no visual display of them feeling that way. I wouldn't even be surprised if that whole thing was just another lie for some bigger, still hidden, plot.
4) Backstory of Claire and Lene, and Claire and her mother.
5) I knew Rae won't be right with everything. While she did study the game in and out, of course things changed a bit since she was reincarnated in it and also changed some of the plot herself. What I didn't expect was that there's a whole new antagonist, and a character who's not even in the game.

The woman at the end, in the carriage.

I missed the playful vibes of the previous volumes, tbh. While it sure is getting interesting and thriller-like, I did love the "bullying" chapters the most. Just carefree school days...

Profile Image for Lou.
402 reviews2 followers
April 24, 2023
A volume messy enough that I may drop the series. Gross, obviously. That's a given. But the treatment of the politics were also deeply problematic. The commoner movement feels like it's framed as unreasonable, though I think there's some effort to note that that's the perspective of the nobility, yet the noble perspective is the only one we're really given here. And then to also say, oh, none of these political organization was real because it was all a coverup for "a forbidden love"? ? Ugh. And even if some of the noble characters by the end are like "well maybe commoners are actually people too" the conversation around class equity still ends up being "it's annoying that commoners want equity, don't they realize all we do" rather than any real reckoning with the concerns that are going to seem extremely valid to me, the modern reader, who is opposed to nobility as a concept???

I know it sounds like I'm taking this too seriously for a fantasy otome yuri series, but they did it to me first!! I think you can be a silly romance series that has nobility as a fun setting but not a serious component or you can actually reckon with the deep seated inequity that makes royalty and nobility feasible. But to do it halfway like it's done here and ultimately side with those who continue to enact said inequities creates a messy situation wherein I have to more fully consider the political implications of the world.
Profile Image for 暁名.
246 reviews2 followers
March 16, 2023
Para ser un manga de un estilo desenfadado, me está entreteniendo más de lo que pensaba. El hecho que me haya leído 4 volúmenes ya dice algo (suelo cansarme en el segundo tomo).
Turbio lo de los hermanos incestuoso, pero el final me ha dejado con un tono algo agridulce.

Le pongo 5★ porque aunque no sea perfecto consigue entretener y contar una historia más profunda de lo que parece. Y que tenga a tortilleras lo mejora 👀
Profile Image for Alexandra.
391 reviews3 followers
October 2, 2023
I was not expecting to CRY reading this series, but I did! Also, those were some wild plot twists 👀
Profile Image for Momo .
436 reviews1 follower
February 18, 2023
Okay I am officially dropping this series. I do not need any mentions on incest in my manga even if it isn’t between the main characters.
Profile Image for Tachan.
790 reviews9 followers
April 3, 2024
Petite surprise que ce tome au contenu bien plus sérieux que la légèreté des précédents ne le laissait présager !

Je ne m'attendais vraiment pas en ouvrant ce tome à tomber sur une intrigue de révolte, voire de révolution populaire, contre le pouvoir monarchique en place et à ses conséquences à l'intérieur de l'Académie. J'ai aimé, je l'avoue, mais je suis un peu tombée des nues et j'ai eu le sentiment que ça sortait de nulle part. Ce n'est pas très bien amené.

En revanche, réel kiff que de suivre l'agitation à l'Académie entre nobles et roturiers, avec critique du système en place et séparation en plusieurs camps, avec bien sûr quelques personnes raisonnables au milieu qui sont plus dans la nuance. Les autrices mènent bien leur barque avec ce classique du genre et nous offre une intrigue dynamique et palpitante avec des tensions, de l'agitation, de brèves explosions de violence, des complots, des retournements de situations et une conclusion douce-amère. Tout y est !

Au milieu, ce fut plaisant de voir aussi les héroïnes capables de plus de réflexion et de sérieux que d'habitude. Cela a ainsi plus de poids quand on les voit se servir de leur pouvoir pour attaquer et protéger. On devine également ainsi un univers plus riche que le peu qu'on en avait aperçu, avec notamment une certaine place de l'Eglise qui est tout sauf séparée de l'Etat, ici monarchique, avec la mère de Yu, Reine et également Cardinal de l'Eglise. Mais surtout, on a des éléments qui viennent même surprendre Rae, ce qui permet d'avoir un peu de nouveauté.

J'avoue en revanche que je trouve l'ensemble fort léger. En même temps, comment faire autrement quand ça sort de nulle part et que ce n'est développé que sur un tome sans réelles ambitions. Je trouve aussi la résolution bien facile avec un twist, à nouveau, sortant de nulle part et dont l'explication pseudo romantique ne me convainc pas du tout, loin de là. Le trope des romances toxiques, ce n'est pas séduisant ou romantiques, contrairement à ce qu'on veut nous faire croire...

Reste de jolis moments entre les personnages. Le duo Claire - Rae fonctionne plutôt bien. On saluera le rôle du prince Thane dans ce tome. Et grosse émotion avec Claire et Lene. Vraiment ce retour en arrière sur leur rencontre était mignon tout plein et montrait bien déjà leurs liens, ainsi que le sacré caractère de Claire.

Surprise que ce tome aux allures bien plus politiques qu'habituellement où l'autrice jouait sans cesse la carte de l'humour. J'aime ce dernier mais ça fait du bien de changer un peu parfait et c'était intéressant de voir l'univers sous un autre prisme, plus tendu, plus explosif, qui se prêtait bien aux utilisations de magie des personnages. Un petit air de Library Wars façon RPG fantasy.

Article complet : https://www.sanctuary.fr/avis/148288/
Profile Image for Francisco De La Garza.
115 reviews1 follower
November 5, 2023
Este volumen estuvo cargado de emociones. En el contexto del movimiento de los plebeyos contra la Aristocracia nos encontramos con injusticias, traiciones y despedidas. Rei parece muy preparada para todo lo que le pasará a Claire, teme por su vida, ¿será por eso que le pide que nunca se rinda, está tratando de evitar un evento del juego? Claire con el paso de los capítulos se da cuenta de lo injusta que es la nobleza con los plebeyos...como dice el principe Yuu, si el pueblo se levanta, no habrá nada que la Aristocracia pueda hacer. Rei estaba preparada para la traición de Lene y su hermano, son los que estuvieron detrás de todos los accidentes y pleitos durante el movimiento de los plebeyos, influenciados por una figura misteriosa que ni Rei conoce. Los traidores son exiliados gracias a las suplicas de Rei, Claire y Thane, evitando su muerte. Mientras nos adentramos en el pasado de Claire, su relacion con Lene y la perdida de su madre, nos despedimos de ambos hermanos, con Claire prometiendo volverla a ver, entendiendo sus motivos y con Rei dandole sus recetas para vender y sobrevivir en el exilio. El sujeto encapuchado debe estar relacionado con la Iglesia, que parece estar jugando para ambos lados, queriendo sustituir a la monarquía en secreto y ganarse el apoyo de los plebeyos con artimañas y manipulaciones.
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Profile Image for Jamie.
143 reviews4 followers
February 2, 2024
TW: incest

Whoa. The series took a massive turn here. Even with the growing emotional undercurrent of the previous two volumes, I was not ready for there to be such a drastic change to the tone of the story. I won't spoil what happens but there's way more to this than what the first volume initially set up as the story.

That said, everything was handled pretty well.
Profile Image for Em.
26 reviews
February 5, 2023
was loving this series up until they did some weird classism apologism shit and sprinkled in some incest so we'd feel more comfy taking the aristocrats side in a conflict they're objectively wrong about
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Aurora.
2,752 reviews4 followers
March 1, 2024
I’ve been told it gets better from here, but I haven’t been enjoying myself so far and I don’t think I can stick around for more. The incestuous plotline came out of effing nowhere and I just can’t take this seriously.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for liberty.
46 reviews2 followers
April 11, 2024
The plot thickens!!!! I love learning more about the Bauer Kingdom’s politics. Also as a rule I hate incest, however, I enjoy Lene’s character a lot despite her being down bad for her brother 🤮

Super excited for the next volume :)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Esther.
5 reviews11 followers
May 30, 2023
Damn, that was some Game of thrones shit! And finally we get a more serious arc.
Profile Image for jilu.
20 reviews
December 29, 2023
Ya decia yo que era demasiado bueno para ser real. No se que obsesión tienen los artistas japoneses con el incesto y encima lo normalizan, que desagradable.
Profile Image for Alexis Sara.
83 reviews12 followers
April 11, 2023
This volume is really all about Clair and establishing Clair's deeper kinder side, who she is, and what are the driving political forces of her mind. Rae is very much a side character in this collection of chapters which I think is a shame for the "Commoner Movement Arc" to not go into what Rae feels about this like detached from the fact it will effect Clair.

In general while it is a great piece to further Clair as a character it comes at the cost of some pretty poorly done politics. The hidden motives being a hetero incest couple being extra bad.

Lene and Clair would be a pretty good ship, I'm into it but I do wish the things around it would be stronger. The manga spends a lot of time on the lads too, like it isn't too much but it's more men then I want to see when I am reading my lesbian fantasy.

While overall I think this is still a good volume for the story it is held back by failing it's ambitions a bit. I think this is like a 4 or 3 out of 5 kinda deal.
Displaying 1 - 24 of 24 reviews

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