Westernisation of Asian features, treatment in Paris

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Beautiful young woman asian with clean perfect skin. Portrait model natural make up. Spa, skincare and health wellness

A frequent request from Asian women is to have a "more Western" appearance, and to westernize the Asian face. This has been the new fashion amongst the Asian women, which, indicates that they would ideally want to have less of a standard Asian face/ features, and more a westernized look.
Several research has shows that one in five Oriental women submit to "aesthetic" processes of Westernization of the face. The most popular modifications concern the nose and eyelids. The other demands are a rounder and sharper chin, a thinner face and a major projection at the lips, forehead and eyebrows.
In addition to changing and enhancing the shape of the face, they also request to lighten their skin and complextion, which is one of their primary wants and request.
The aging of the facial skin of Asian women is first manifested by the appearance of pigmentary spots.The first irregularities are observed around 30 years on the cheeks and forehead, photo-exposed areas that have deposits of melanin. This hyperpigmentation becomes more noticeable after 50. The skin also yellows with age.


Horizontal Thirds

Amongst Asians, as in Caucasians, the upper third of the face is larger than the lower third. Moreover in Asian features, the average third of the face is larger than the upper third, in Caucasians, the opposite. Whereas, in  Caucasians, the lower third is larger than the average third, in Asians, two-thirds are equivalent.

Vertical Fifth

The neoclassical canons of the face divide it into five equal parts. These canons predict that the intercanthal distance, the width of the eye, and the width of the base of the nose are equal.
In Asian women, the average intercanthal distance is 1.24 times greater than the width of the eye. Moreover, in Asians, the base of the nose is wider than in European, the width of the base of the nose is 1.11 times greater than the intercanthal distance.


There is no difference between Caucasians and Asians in terms of facial angles: naso-mental angle, chin-neck angle, naso-facial angle. The naso-frontal angle is more open in Asians.


In Caucasians, the tips of the labial commissures pass through the center of the iris. The majority of Asian women have a wide mouth like Caucasians, a third have a narrower mouth.

Lower third

The ratio and the relationship between the upper lip to the lower third of the face is calculated by dividing the length of the upper lip (calculated from the subnasal point to the upper lip-lower lip limit) by the subnasal-chin point distance. In Asians this ratio is 0.2-0.6 as in Caucasians. In one third of Asians, the upper lip is behind the Ricketts line (line drawn from the tip of the nose to the pogonium, the most anterior cutaneous point of the chin symphysis) which is the ideal for Caucasians. In 20% of Asians the lower lip is behind the Ricketts line, which is ideal for Caucasians.


In Caucasians the arch of the eyebrow (the highest point of the eyebrow) is located

center of the upper eyelid, in Asian the point is leveled with the outer edge of the iris. In Caucasians, as in Asians, the tail of the eyebrow is on an imaginary line starting from the wing of the nose and passing through the outer canthus of the eye (outer corner of the eye).


About one-third of Asians do not have a supratarsal palpebral eyelid fold. When such situation is present, this fold may be either parallel to the free edge of the eyelid, or converge towards the middle part. The supratarsal fold in Asians is about 6 mm from the ciliary margin, this distance is much more greater in Caucasians.


seringue acide hyaluronique

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a versatile product used to create projections and increase volumes. It’s indications are the treatment of lips, chin, cheekbones, eyebrows, medical rhinoplasty. It is difficult to medically treat the proportions of the fifth vertices and the horizontal thirds of the face.


The laser can treat all skin imperfections, scars, dull complexion, spots. We use a laser specific to each unsightly.

Doctor removing moles using laser ray. Beauty portrait of a young woman. Birthmark removal, plastic surgery, skin lifting and aesthetic medicine concept.

Threads for opening of the look

Threads find their indication in the opening of the gaze, the westernization of the nose, the lift of the eyebrows. Depending on the type of act, mesofils or notched threads are used.


Threads for westernizing the nose

Threads are used to lift the tip of the nose or correct abnormalities of the dorsum. Often they are associated with injections of hyaluronic acid.



My chin was elongated, my nose projected, I have pretty little face outlines now, very satisfied. Thank you Doctor Romano


My nose is more present thanks to hyaluronic acid injections. My gaze is open following the lying of mesofils.


Truly pleased with the result, occidentalisation of my asian face by hyaluronic acid injections. Thank you Doctor Romano.


I am a woman of asian descent, my face was very round. Doctor Romano refined it with injections, really beautiful result.


Written by Valeria Romano

Former intern at the Hospitals of Paris Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Paris 7 – Paris Diderot Registered with the medical board of Paris, n° 75/80452 More informations

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