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  • This image may contain Architecture, Building, Tower, Outdoors, Nature, Scenery, Landscape, Steeple, Spire, Urban, and Town


This image may contain Architecture, Building, Tower, Outdoors, Nature, Scenery, Landscape, Steeple, Spire, Urban, and Town

Telegraph Hill, once the site of a semaphore that signaled the arrival of ships during the Gold Rush, is now home to Coit Tower, a stark 212-foot monument completed in 1933 with money donated by Lillie Hitchcock Coit. Lush WPA murals decorate the first floor; city and Bay views come at the top (take the elevator). If the climb up Telegraph Hill's not your thing, take a #39 bus. Then take the long, delicate way down to the Bay side on the pretty Greenwich Stairway, which descends through terraced private gardens. If you're lucky, you might spot some of the wild parrots that live here.

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