The history of french manicure

30 11 2009

The origins of this particular design are hard to trace. Whereas the manicure for female fingernails has been around for a good 5,000 years, this design’s origins are a little muddled.

There are some who claim that an early French manicure was invented by Max Factor  for the fashionistas of Paris in the 1930s, who desired a clean yet polished look for their over-moisturised hands.

There are others who claim that the word ‘French’ when applied to anything can make that particular product sound chic and sophisticated. Certainly, the term ‘Original French Manicure’ was trademarked in 1978 by the cosmetics company Orly for the first home French manicure kit3.

At the time, Hollywood starlets were looking for a nail lacquer that would give their fans, the paparazzi and their ever-critical peers an effortlessly groomed look which would fit all wardrobe changes.

The buff or pale translucent pink base and the whitened tip filled the market niche perfectly. Fast forwarding to the present day, the ‘frenchie’ is still one of the most requested nail designs in nail bars across the world.

French manicure has a lot of different colours combination these days. But some people still prefer the pink base & white tip French.

Do your French manicure at Nails@Home for additional $4 only, with your pedicure or manicure. Call us today at 98808613 (Betty).

