
I had originally planned to title today’s post “Pins and needles,” but as the day unfolded, it was clear that while I was going to get to the “Pins” part of the entry, the whole “and needles” was not going to happen.

One of the staples of the crochet bag repertoire is a bag known as a “fat bottom bag.” There two very popular crochet versions of this type of bag;I have made one of them twice, and am in the throes of my first time making the other.

The first fat bottom bag I ever made was from the pattern by Julie Holetz that is featured in Debbie Stoller’s book, Stitch ‘N Bitch Crochet: the Happy Hooker. Part of what I liked about the pattern was that it does not require a lining, and in my crochet life, I have gone to great lengths to avoid sewing a lining.

My most tried and truth method for lining avoidance is to make a bag from merino wool and felt it, as I did with this bag I made for my mother:

felted crochet purse granny squares
My mother’s too-good-to-use felted crochet purse

Another method I have used is to make a chain stitch across the top of the crochet fabric (also called tambour crochet), as I did with these two fat bottom bags I made from Julie Holetz’s pattern:

crochetbug, fat bottom crochet bag, crochet fat bag, crochet purse, tambour crochet
A fat bottom bag made of merino wool

crochetbug, fat bottom crochet bag, crochet fat bag, crochet purse, tambour crochet
Fat bottom crochet bag made from Red Heart Super Saver acrylic yarn

But today, I finally stepped out of my comfort zone and began the process of sewing a lining into a bag.

To start, I found this tutorial to use as my guide.

Next, I actually read the directions. Twice.

You can learn a lot when you read the directions. The thing I learned that pleased me most and propelled me forward was that I would only have to cut out a rectangle. I was an absolute disaster in the sewing portion of my home economics curriculum in the 9th grade, but I can cut four straight lines.

So, I started by gathering the following: the body of the fat-bottom-bag-to-be, the fabric to line it, a pair of scissors, a measuring tape, needles, straight pins (my doughnut pincushion), and a pencil (not pictured) I used to mark the fabric:

crochetbug, fat bottom crochet bag, crochet fat bag, crochet purse, fabric lining
I assemble the materials necessary to sew in a lining for a fat bottom bag

I did not yet have the correct color of thread, but this did not stop me from moving forward with preparing the lining. Following the directions and using the pictorial guide provided, I took the two measurements needed to determine the size of the rectangle to cut from the fabric:

crochetbug, fat bottom crochet bag, crochet fat bag, crochet purse, fabric lining
Measuring the width of the fat bottom crochet bag

crochetbug, fat bottom crochet bag, crochet fat bag, crochet purse, fabric lining
Measuring the length of the fat bottom crochet bag

After cutting a 17.25″ x 21″ rectangle, I again, followed the directions to successfully pin the lining to the body of the bag.

Since I was now venturing into crafting territory well outside my skill set, it was easy for me to maintain a focused and mindful state, as anything less would have resulted in not getting it done. After 30 minutes spent wrestling with the body of the bag, the lining to be, and the pins, I finally got everything in place:

crochetbug, fat bottom crochet bag, crochet fat bag, crochet purse, fabric lining
I successfully pin the fabric lining to the body of the crochet bag

With all of the things that needed doing today, other than crocheting four more granny squares for my go-go granny dress to be, this was all I was able to get done on the fat bottom bag.

I am looking forward to clear skies, and an ever-so-slightly less busy day tomorrow.