Dieter Rams’ 10 Principles of Good Design: A Timeless Guide for Design Excellence

Greema Joy
Published in
7 min readMay 19, 2023


Dieter Rams’ 10 Principles of Good Design.

I was asking a couple of my designer and non-designer friends “Do you know Dieter Ram” and to my surprise, everyone whom I asked replied “NO”. Then I asked do you know Jacob Nielsen, Don Norman, Alen Cooper, etc and everyone said “YES”. Whenever there is a heuristic evaluation happening people depend on principles like “Jakob Nielsen’s 10 usability heuristics, Shneiderman’s Eight Golden Rules,… etc. I always wonder why Dieter Ram and his principles did not get wide recognition as Jakob Nielsen.

Anyway, when I decided to shift to sustainable design practices than just following User-centric design or system design, I identified that Dieter Ram’s principles could be my checklist. On his 91st Birthday, I thought an article about him will help my network to get a chance to know more/recollect about him.

Even though dieter Ram is a recognised and has received significant attention and recognition in the design world. His work at Braun and his design principles have had a profound influence on the field of industrial design and product design in particular.

Dieter Ram

Dieter Rams is a German industrial designer who was born on May 20, 1932, in Wiesbaden, Germany. He is widely recognized for his influential work as the head of design at Braun, a German consumer products company, and his collaboration with the furniture manufacturer Vitsoe. Rams is known for his minimalist and functional design approach, which has had a profound impact on the field of product design.

Rams developed his 10 principles of good design during his time at Braun, where he worked from 1955 to 1995. These principles were initially articulated in the 1980s and have since become widely recognized and influential in the design community.

Rams’ design principles have been embraced and applied by designers, companies, and organizations worldwide. Many designers and design teams consider these principles as guiding tenets for creating impactful and sustainable design solutions. Companies that prioritize user-centered and minimalist design approaches often draw inspiration from Rams’ principles in their product development processes.

Additionally, Rams’ design principles have influenced other design disciplines beyond product design, such as user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design. His emphasis on simplicity, functionality, and timeless aesthetics has been incorporated into the design philosophies of companies like Apple, who have cited Rams as an inspiration for their own design principles.

Moreover, Rams’ principles continue to be taught and referenced in design education and have become a reference point for discussions on good design practices, ethics, and sustainability. They serve as a foundation for designers seeking to create products that are both aesthetically pleasing and functionally effective while considering the broader impact on users and the environment.

Here are Dieter Rams’ 10 Principles:

  1. Good Design is Innovative: Design should push the boundaries and introduce new ideas, technologies, and solutions. It should strive for innovation and improvement rather than imitation or superficial styling.
  2. Good Design Makes a Product Useful: Design should prioritize the usefulness and functionality of a product. It should fulfill a specific purpose and provide value to the user.
  3. Good Design is Aesthetic: Design should be visually appealing and have a clean, minimalist aesthetic. It should focus on simplicity, elegance, and harmony in form and proportion.
  4. Good Design Makes a Product Understandable: Design should communicate its purpose and functionality clearly. It should be intuitive and easily understandable for users, minimizing the need for complex instructions.
  5. Good Design is Unobtrusive: Design should be subtle and unobtrusive, allowing the product’s function to take center stage. It should not distract or overwhelm users with unnecessary elements or embellishments.
  6. Good Design is Honest: Design should be truthful and transparent. It should not deceive or manipulate users, but rather convey accurate information and represent the product’s true nature.
  7. Good Design is Long-lasting: Design should have longevity. It should be durable, both in terms of physical construction and aesthetic appeal, to withstand the test of time and avoid contributing to the disposable culture.
  8. Good Design is Thorough Down to the Last Detail: Design should consider every aspect and detail of the product, from its overall form to its individual components. It should demonstrate a high level of craftsmanship and attention to detail.
  9. Good Design is Environmentally Friendly: Design should be environmentally conscious and sustainable. It should consider the impact on the environment throughout the product’s lifecycle, from production to use and disposal.
  10. Good Design is as Little Design as Possible: Design should strive for simplicity and minimalism, removing any unnecessary elements or features. It should focus on essential functionality and avoid excessive complexity or ornamentation.

The Relevance of Dieter Rams’ 10 Principles of Good Design in Today’s World

In the ever-evolving world of design, certain principles transcend time and remain relevant even as technology and trends advance. Dieter Rams’ 10 Principles of Good Design, developed decades ago, continue to hold immense significance in today’s design landscape

  1. Timeless Aesthetics: Rams’ emphasis on timeless aesthetics resonates in an era where fleeting trends dominate. By prioritizing clean lines, simplicity, and minimalism, his principles advocate for designs that stand the test of time, avoiding the trap of obsolescence.
  2. Functional Focus: In a world of ever-increasing complexity, Rams’ principles remind us of the importance of prioritizing functionality. By centering design around the user’s needs, his principles guide designers in creating products that are intuitive, efficient, and genuinely enhance user experiences.
  3. User-Centric Approach: Rams’ principles underline the significance of understanding and empathizing with users. Design should solve real problems and address user pain points, ensuring that the end product genuinely serves its intended purpose.
  4. Sustainable Design: As sustainability gains prominence, Rams’ principles remain relevant in encouraging environmentally friendly design practices. By promoting durable, long-lasting products that avoid excessive waste and consumption, his principles align with the urgent need for responsible design solutions.
  5. Ethical Considerations: Rams’ principles encompass ethical dimensions, emphasizing honesty, transparency, and integrity in design. In an age of increasing concerns about privacy, data security, and user trust, his principles provide a foundation for ethical decision-making in design processes.
  6. Adaptability to New Technologies: While Rams developed his principles before the digital revolution, they can be seamlessly applied to today’s technology-driven world. By focusing on fundamental design principles, Rams’ principles enable designers to adapt and evolve, regardless of the medium or platform they are working on.
  7. Inspiration for Innovative Design: Rams’ principles continue to inspire innovative design thinking. By encouraging designers to push boundaries, challenge conventions, and strive for innovation, his principles foster a mindset that drives progress and evolution in the design industry.

Dieter Rams’ 10 Principles of Good Design transcend time and remain highly relevant in today’s world of design. From their emphasis on timeless aesthetics and functionality to user-centricity, sustainability, and ethical considerations, Rams’ principles guide designers in creating purposeful, impactful, and responsible design solutions. By embracing these principles, designers can navigate the ever-changing design landscape while staying grounded in enduring principles that enhance the user experience and contribute to a better world.

It is a A Pathway to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set forth by the United Nations provide a framework for addressing global challenges and creating a more sustainable and equitable world by 2030. Dieter Rams’ 10 Principles of Good Design offer valuable insights and practices that can contribute to the achievement of these goals. This blog explores how Rams’ design principles can align with and contribute to the SDGs, fostering a more sustainable and inclusive future.

  1. Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure: Rams’ principles emphasize innovation and progress, aligning with SDG 9’s aim to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.
  2. Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities: By advocating for timeless aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability, Rams’ principles support the creation of sustainable and livable cities and communities, addressing the objectives of SDG 11.
  3. Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production: Rams’ principles encourage a shift towards responsible consumption and production by promoting durable and long-lasting designs that minimize waste, aligning with the objectives of SDG 12.
  4. Goal 13: Climate Action: Through their focus on sustainability, Rams’ principles contribute to SDG 13 by guiding designers to create environmentally friendly products that reduce carbon footprints and support climate action.
  5. Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals: Rams’ principles foster collaboration and partnerships, as they encourage designers to consider the broader impact of their work. By collaborating with stakeholders and embracing ethical considerations, designers can contribute to the spirit of SDG 17.
  6. Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being: Rams’ principles prioritize user-centered design, creating products that enhance user experiences and overall well-being. By focusing on user needs and usability, designers can contribute to SDG 3’s objective of promoting good health and well-being.

I believe that Dieter Rams’ 10 Principles of Good Design offer a roadmap for designers to contribute to the SDGs by 2030. By embracing sustainability, functionality, inclusivity, and innovation, designers can create products and solutions that align with the goals of the United Nations. Through the application of these principles, designers have the opportunity to positively impact multiple SDGs, fostering a more sustainable and inclusive future for all. I hope we will consider his principles more seriously and will put them as a measurement for heuristic evaluation and design process.

