Recipe: Vegan Sago Gula Melaka – Sago Pudding with Palm Sugar

Sago Gula Melaka is one of our family’s favourite desserts. The chewy texture of the pearl sago, drenched with the sweet and smoky flavoured gula melaka (palm sugar) syrup and the fragrant creamy coconut milk is always the perfect dessert to round up our meal.

For those who loves bubble tea which is quite a craze in Singapore, you will most probably like this dessert as well, as the sago pearls are very similar except that they are smaller in size. This classic trio is definitely a treat for those who have sweet tooth. It is so delicious and extremely easy to make. It is also suitable for vegans! I am sure you will love it as much as we do. Beware, you can’t stop at one, we always finish ours the moment they are out of the fridge!!

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Serves 4 to 5 persons


200 grams of sago pearl

250ml freshly squeezed/canned coconut milk

200 grams gula melaka (palm sugar)

1 to 2 pinches salt

2-3 leaves of Pandan or screw pine leaves


  1. Soak the sago pearls with adequate water until they have fully expanded, about 10 minutes.
  2. Drain and set aside.
  3. Add water in a medium pot and bring it to a boil.
  4. Add in the sago pearls and cook for about 15 minutes and stir constantly until the sago pearls become translucent (no more white dot in the middle).
  5. Switch off the heat and cover the pot with a lid. Let the sago pearl rest in the pot for at least 5-10 minutes before transferring them out to be drained.
  6. Note that the water will turn starchy, if need be you can add more water in the above process.
  7. Next, use a sift to drain the sago pearls. Rinse the cooked sago pearls under running water to wash off the excess starch.
  8. Scoop the sago pearls into individual small glasses and put them in the fridge to chill.
  9. In a small pot, pour in the freshly squeezed coconut milk with the knotted pandan leaf, and a pinch of salt.
  10. Boil at low heat and stir constantly.
  11. When it starts to boil, remove from heat and strain into a bowl. Then set aside to cool.
  12. Use another saucepan, add the gula Melaka with approximately 100 ml of water on low heat. Eventually, the gula meleka will dissolve to a syrup-like texture. Add more water if you want it less syrupy, and less water to make the sugar thicker (alter to your preference). Set aside to cool.
  13. To serve the chilled sago, spoon the desired amount of gula melaka syrup and coconut milk on top of the sago pearls.


Mummy's Kitchen

Hi! My name is Josephine Go. I blog at in a segment called Mummy’s Kitchen. I love to use fresh and natural ingredients in my cooking to promote healthy eating. Some of my recipes may not be in line with the traditional methods of cooking to the extent that some of the ingredients are different, but hopefully new recipes are being created in my style. I certainly hope that what I do will help guide kitchen first-timers on how to cook their first meal as well as further equip kitchen veterans with new recipes. My loving husband and two wonderful children are my best guinea pigs and critics. They have enjoyed (or endured) the food that has been served to them for all these years. Mind you, I did not know how to cook or ever knew that I could cook till I got married. So there is hope for everyone. If I can cook, you can cook. You will not know how good or talented you are until you put your hand in the plough.

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